Problem with -setzaxis
Added by Dinesh Kumar about 3 years ago
Dear All,
I am trying to set the z axis description using -setzaxis. But after issuing -setzaxis,zaxis input output I got the following error.
cdo -setzaxis,zaxis SoilTMP0_10cm.00.grib1 SoilTMP0_10cm11.00.grib1
cdo setzaxis (Abort): Open failed on zaxis!
I am new to CDO and trying to data as per model vtable.
Suggestions please.
Dr Dinesh Kumar
Assitant Professor
Central University of Jammu, J&K India
error-file (764 Bytes) error-file |
Replies (2)
RE: Problem with -setzaxis - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 3 years ago
Hi Dinesh,
the input for setzaxis is a file with the z-axis description. See
You can overwrite the level description with setzaxis. Here is an example for a description of 7 pressure level in hPa:
zaxistype = pressure size = 7 name = lev longname = pressure units = hPa levels = 850 500 200 100 50 20 10
Store the above lines in a file , e.g. myzaxis and pass it to setzaxis:
cdo -setzaxis,myzaxis infile outfile
RE: Problem with -setzaxis - Added by Dinesh Kumar about 3 years ago
Hello Karin,
Thank you. Your suggestion really helped me without any error.