Added by Tatiana Arenas suárez over 12 years ago
Hi there,
I'm trying to obtain EOF from some set of data, but i have some problems,, fist obtain the anomalies with: cdo sub ifile1 -timmean ifile1 anom_file.
This is the line command after cdo eof :
*cgribexGetTsteptype : GRIB time range 123 unsupported!
cdo eof : Enter Number of eigen functions to write out > 372
statistics-module (Warning): Eigenvalue computation with one-sided jacobi scheme
Did not converge properly. 47253 of 69006 pairs of columns did
not achieve requested orthogonality of 1e-12
cdo eof: Processed 427056 values from 2 variables over 744 timesteps. ( 4.55s )*
My set of data is from ERA-Iterim . When i do the same process in other software i obtain complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Any idea ?