ymonmean, timsort
Added by Joerg Trentmann over 14 years ago
I am using ymonmean to calculate the mean monthly values from a multi-year monthly time series starting in April 2005 to July 2010. As documented, the resulting file contains 12 time steps with the time information coming from the last time step contributing to the multiyear mean. However, the times are not sorted by month as suggested by the documentation, but start at April and end in March.
When using to timsort command to bring the times into the desired sequence, cdo sorts the data and not the timesteps. Is this a problem with cdo or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your support,
P.S. If an example file would help to retrace the problem, let me know.
Replies (1)
RE: ymonmean, timsort - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago
Hello Joerg,
timsort sorts each field element over all time steps. Try the undocumented function sorttimestamp to sort the time steps.
Best regards,