I cannot open my .nc data
Added by Hasan Zaifoglu over 3 years ago
Hello Guys,
I typed cdo sinfo data1.nc but I couldn't see the info of my data. What could be the reason?
Sorry, I'm new at CDO. I've changed the directory to cd /cygdrive/c/.... Then I typed ls and I can see the file (data1.nc) there. However, when I wrote cdo sinfo data1.nc, nothing happened. It passed to a new command line.
Sorry for disturbing
Replies (3)
RE: I cannot open my .nc data - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
hi Hasan!
I think you downloaded the cygwin binary from the download area, right? Thx to Marco Atzeri CDO is now an offcial package of cygwin: https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/cdo.html
so you can install it directly via setup.exe
of cygwin.
RE: I cannot open my .nc data - Added by Hasan Zaifoglu over 3 years ago
Thanks, Ralf a lot for the information.
I'm going to download that cdo package.
You always help and lead people about CDO.
For me as a beginner, your comments are really explanatory and easily understandable.
RE: I cannot open my .nc data - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
thx Hasan!
happy to help ;-)
under Windows it's a bit more difficult to get things running. when you install cdo with setup.exe, please also install libeccodes-devel.