


chain "selname" and "sellonlatbox"

Added by Bidyut Goswami over 3 years ago

Hi, I want to extract a variable for for a region from global data. In order to do that I tried combining "selname" and "sellonlatbox". But when I am trying to use "selname" and "sellonlatbox" together I am getting core dumped.

Here is what I did: cdo -selname,T500 -sellonlatbox,40,100,-15,5

The reason I want to do this is: my input file is very large (in the attachment I am only sharing only the first 100 time-steps of it). So if I do selecting the variable in one step and cropping in the next step, then it is taking a long time and space.

Kindly suggest how can do it properly.

As I have mentioned, my goal is to extract a variable over a cropped region from global data. If there is any other way of doing it efficiently, please suggest.

Thanks. (21.2 MB)

Replies (1)

RE: chain "selname" and "sellonlatbox" - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago

Hi Bidyut,

I'm not able to reproduce your core dump. Which version are you using ('cdo -V')?

To extract a sub-region from selected variables you should reverse the operators as follows:

cdo -sellonlatbox,40,100,-15,5 -selname,T500

cdo executes the operators from right to left, also first extract variable then extract the sub-region.

