


EOFs and data defined on different grids

Added by Michael Walz over 12 years ago

I want to calculate the coefficients/principals from an existing EOF with an anomaly mslp field. The EOF file is on a standard lon-lat grid, the mslp field however is on a gaussian grid. So I remapped the EOF with remapdis to a gaussian grid. However after remapping the grid I still get the same error message, the fields being defined on different grids.
If I look into the grid with griddes they habe exactly the same grid description. I also tried the other way around, remapping the gaussian mslp field to a standard lon-lat grid. the result was the same, the fields still seem to be defined on different grids. does anyone have any idea? I would really appreciate any advice!

Greetings, Michael

Replies (2)

RE: EOFs and data defined on different grids - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago


try again like:

cdo remapnn,eof_file mslp_file remappled_file

It would be better if you could post the command sequence that you've used, and also post "cdo -V". Also, if you can, please upload a sample of your data (if it is < 50MB).


RE: EOFs and data defined on different grids - Added by Michael Walz over 12 years ago

Hey thanks for the quick help. Sorry I am new to this forum, next time I will post more detailed information, but your help already worked for me!
Thanks again!

Greeting Michael
