selecting shape in Remapping
Added by gabriele greco almost 4 years ago
I have a temperature map shaped like a region, but i need to convert the netcfd file from curvilinear coordinates to lon/lat. Since the grid i use for the conversion is rectangular, it gives me as output a wrong shape. is there any way to select in the grid .txt file the exact shape, in order to avoid working with Nan coordinates values? Should i give an array of coordinates in xvals and yvals?
I'll put the wrong grid that i was using.
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 1148
xsize = 41
ysize = 28
xname = x
xlongname = "longitude"
xunits = "degrees_east"
yname = y
ylongname = "latitude"
yunits = "degrees_north"
xfirst = 8.48826
xinc = 0.0715
yfirst = 44.63501
yinc = 0.0715
Replies (2)
RE: selecting shape in Remapping - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 4 years ago
Hi Gabriele,
first, it is always better for regular lonlat grids to use
xname = "lon" yname = "lat"
It is not really possible to say why the interpolation of the region isn't correct. Can you upload the input file?
RE: selecting shape in Remapping - Added by gabriele greco almost 4 years ago
Hi karin,
we discussed in my previous request. The problem was that the file attached had NaNs in longitude and latitude. I was trying to find a way to select only the area that has real values of longitude and latitude, since the input file is a map with a peculiar shape, in order to do a good remapping with remapbil.