


issue with pack operator & type conversion ?

Added by Guillaume S almost 4 years ago


I tried to pack a netcdf 3 file and to change the data precision from I16 to F32 using: cdo -b F32 pack
but I encountered an issue: Warning: Changed default output datatype to int16
and the new data type conversion is ignored.

But it seems to be possible as written in the pack documentation:
Use the CDO option -b to change the data type to a different integer precision, if needed.

Is it a bug in the pack operator or in the documentation ? Thank you.


Replies (1)

RE: issue with pack operator & type conversion ? - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 4 years ago

Hi Guillaume,

correctly quoted, but unfortunately misapplied. I would say that you should use I32 instead of F32.
'Use the CDO option -b to change the data type to a different integer precision , if needed.'

Try the following:

cdo -b I32 pack infile outfile

