


cdo afterbruner - calculation of omega

Added by Nicole Ritzhaupt about 4 years ago


I need to calculate omega and tried to do it with cdo afterburner. I'm working with Euro-Cordex data (which unfortunately have no vertical velocity output) and tried to transform them on a gaussian grid to get cdo after running. But I just receive an error that gaussian latitudes are not supported. I tried with

cdo remapcon,T511

I try to understand the underlying code to adjust it to my data. Maybe someone can give me the underlying formular which is used in cdo after to calculate omega?
Because I'm not working with ECHAM data I am struggeling with the half and full levels. Maybe someone can recommend how to handle it. I have horizontal wind velocities (U,V), divergence and vorticity on pressure levels. If I'm not wrong, these are the variables I need for the calculation.

Thank you for your help!

Replies (1)

RE: cdo afterbruner - calculation of omega - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

hi Nicole!

I have no clue about the formula, but it must be in the CORDEX model. You need to ask some developer or check the source code/publications about it. The thing is that the model knows all about its geometry which influences esp. vector computations. But these details are often missing in the regular output.

sorry for leaving you without real help

