Updating cdo to include netcdf4 library without uninstalling
Added by Özge Can about 4 years ago
Dear experienced cdo users,
I am able to use cdo commands with my old files with .nc extension but today I was not able to use it for a newly downloaded netcdf file. I got the following error: Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in).
When I check the format with ncdump -k I see that my old files are "classic" and the new file I have is "netCDF-4". From reading many similar issues I've found out that netcdf4 libraries are not included with the generic setup but had to be included manually during configuration. My question is, can I somehow "update" my cdo without having to uninstall and re-install? Back then, I wasn't the person to install it on my computer and I don't want to ruin a working system. On the other hand my version is from 2014 so maybe it is time to update.
Or can I somehow convert netcdf4 format to classic? (cdo -f did not work)
I am using cdo on macOS Catalina.
Version 1.6.3rc4
Replies (1)
RE: Updating cdo to include netcdf4 library without uninstalling - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 4 years ago
Hi Özge,
you are using a very old CDO version and I would highly recommend to install the new version. The easiest way (for me as a Mac user, too) is to use miniconda to install CDO with all dependencies.
See https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/wiki/Anaconda.