"Unsupported file structure" with ECMWF analysis file
Added by Alina Lerner about 4 years ago
Hello all!
I am very new to CDO and just faced one problem. When I am trying to do anything with ecmwf analysis file, for example:
cdo showcode TTS02170000021712001
I get the error message:
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep2): Record 589 (name=ciwc id=84.1.0 lev1=126 lev2=0) timestep 2: Parameter not defined at timestep 1!
cdo showcode: Open failed on >/data/op4in/ecmwf/harmonie/TTS02170000021712001<
Unsupported file structure
I have no idea how to solve it. I would appreciate if somebody could help me.
Best regards,
Replies (2)
RE: "Unsupported file structure" with ECMWF analysis file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 4 years ago
Hi Alina,
because I don't know which format your data file has it is quite hard to help.
Can you upload the file or send the output of the command line call:
file TTS02170000021712001
RE: "Unsupported file structure" with ECMWF analysis file - Added by Alina Lerner about 4 years ago
Hi Carin,
Thank you for your response! I am not able to attach the file as it is too large. The output from "file" command gives the answer: "Gridded binary (GRIB) version 1".