remapbil returns file with no data only
Added by Pauline Millet about 4 years ago
Hello all,
I would like to apply a mask on my netcdf file to have only data over my area of interest with maskregion command.
From what I got from the documentation and forum talks, I should first remap my data to a regular lon/lat grid. Do to so, I use remapbil command as follow:
cdo -P 8 remapbil,
I have no error during the computation but when I have a look at the content of the output file '', it is full of nan value, no matter the method used to specify the target grid.
I tried to compute the target grid from:
cdo -sellonlatbox,-6,10,41,52 -topo,global_0.11
and I also tried the option of setting the grid parameters (inspired from the original data file) in a text file:
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 174688
xsize = 424
ysize = 412
xname = lon
xlongname = "longitude"
xunits = "degrees_east"
yname = lat
ylongname = "latitude"
yunits = "degrees_north"
xfirst = -28.375
xinc = 0.110000001623275
yfirst = -23.375
yinc = 0.10999999777244
Any idea where I could get wrong ?
I attach a sample of my data (CORDEX EUR-11 data)
Thanks for your help,
Replies (3)
RE: remapbil returns file with no data only - Added by Kyle Lesinger about 4 years ago
I would recommend turning your into a .grd file and then re-run it.
Here are my steps for doing it:
1. Open file, save as .grd file.
a. cdo griddes > yourfilename.grd
2. Manually edit the following for your resolution. First type: vim yourfilename.grd
a. Change gridsize
b. Xsize
c. Ysize
d. Xinc
e. Yinc
3. Press escape, then type :wq to save and close.
4. Then type cdo remapbil
5. Then enter your new .grd file
6. or enter it all in 1 line of code to not have to input the .grd file
Sorry for the format, I have my instructions saved in a document.
RE: remapbil returns file with no data only - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 4 years ago
Hi Pauline,
I don't know what was going wrong, maybe you are using an old CDO version.
@Kyle it is not necessary to generate the grid description file from the target netCDF file because you can directly use it.
cdo -sellonlatbox,-6,10,41,52 -topo,global_0.11 cdo remapbil,
RE: remapbil returns file with no data only - Added by Pauline Millet about 4 years ago
Well, I don't know neither, it's now working perfectly (I'm using cdo 1.9.9) and I'm able to finally apply maskregion to my data.
Anyway thank you Kyle and Karin for your quick answer!