Question on soil moisture conversion
Added by Markus Mingel about 4 years ago
Hi all,
I would convert CMIP6 water content [kg m-2] to soil moisture fraction [m3 m-3]; all I need to do is divide the variable mrsol by the thickness of the layer in [mm]; this latter is retrieved from depth_bnds.
What I usually do is to split the layers and multiply by the thickness (I compute this in advance); I attach a sample file for testing:
cdo -splitlevel TMP/soilm
- depth_bnds =
- 0, 0.065,
- 0.065, 0.319,
- 0.319, 1.232,
- 1.232, 4.134,
- 4.134, 9.834 ;
- thickness:
- (0.065 - 0) * 1000 = 65 mm
- (0.319 - 0.065) * 1000 = 254 mm
- (1.232 - 0.319) * 1000 = 913 mm
- (4.134 - 1.232) * 1000 = 2902 mm
- (9.834 - 4.134) * 1000 = 5700 mm
cdo -divc,65.0 -setunit,'m3 m-3' TMP/ TMP/
cdo -divc,254.0 -setunit,'m3 m-3' TMP/ TMP/
cdo -divc,913.0 -setunit,'m3 m-3' TMP/ TMP/
cdo -divc,2902.0 -setunit,'m3 m-3' TMP/ TMP/
cdo -divc,5700.0 -setunit,'m3 m-3' TMP/ TMP/
cdo merge TMP/ TMP/ TMP/ TMP/ TMP/
I wonder if is possible to automatically do that without splitting the levels and computing into advance the thickness of each layer?
Thank you in advance for help!
Replies (2)
RE: Question on soil moisture conversion - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 4 years ago
Hi Marcus,
as far as I know there is no operator to do it for you, but a short shell script will do it.
#!/usr/bin/env ksh mkdir -p tmp_mrsol cdo -splitlevel tmp_mrsol/soilm files=$(ls tmp_mrsol/soilm*.nc) for f in $files do dbnds=$(ncdump -v depth_bnds $f | sed -e '1,/depth_bnds =/d' -e '$d' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/ /g' -e 's/;//g' | tr -d \\n) set -A bnds $dbnds nbnds=$(echo ${bnds[*]} | wc -w) echo "depth_bnds = ${bnds[*]}" integer i=0, j=0 for ((i=0; i<$nbnds; ++i)) do j=$i+1 a=${bnds[$j]} b=$(echo "scale=10; ${bnds[$i]}*1.0" | bc -l) thick=$(echo "scale=10; ($a-$b)*1000" | bc -l) echo "($i,$j): a = $a b = $b (a - b) = $thick" i=$i+1 done cdo -divc,$thick -setunit,'m3 m-3' $f tmp_mrsol/tmp_${f##*/}.nc done cdo -O merge tmp_mrsol/tmp_soilm*.nc
To compare input file and computed output file:
cdo infon -1 : Date Time Level Gridsize Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum : Parameter name 1 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.03 73728 48857 : 0.0000 8.0742 49.707 : mrsol 2 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.19 73728 48857 : 0.0000 34.425 196.41 : mrsol 3 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.78 73728 48857 : 0.0000 105.50 754.97 : mrsol 4 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 2.68 73728 48857 : 0.0000 185.63 2527.5 : mrsol 5 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 6.98 73728 48857 : 0.0000 72.640 2650.5 : mrsol
cdo infon -1 : Date Time Level Gridsize Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum : Parameter name 1 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.03 73728 48857 : 0.0000 0.12422 0.76473 : mrsol 2 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.19 73728 48857 : 0.0000 0.13553 0.77329 : mrsol 3 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 0.78 73728 48857 : 0.0000 0.11555 0.82692 : mrsol 4 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 2.68 73728 48857 : 0.0000 0.063967 0.87096 : mrsol 5 : 1975-01-01 06:00:00 6.98 73728 48857 : 0.0000 0.012744 0.46500 : mrsol
RE: Question on soil moisture conversion - Added by Markus Mingel about 4 years ago
Hi Karin,
thanks a lot, it works perfectly.