


sp2gpl with GRIB2 data

Added by Lauri Tuppi over 3 years ago


I'm trying to use CDO to convert OpenIFS output from spherical harmonics to regular Gaussian grid in GRIB2 format. The reason why I'm using GRIB2 instead of GRIB1 is that when there are 137 vertical levels in the output, the GRIB2-to-GRIB1 conversion with EcCodes is not possible anymore.

I looked at the user guide of CDO 1.9.9 and got an impression that running -sp2gpl would be possible if the input file contained only one variable on one level. As an example, I tried to convert temperature on level 137:

(cdo_1.9.9)[lautuppi@puhti-login2 2016120100]$ cdo -sp2gpl t_137.grib2 t_137_gg.grib2
Exception caught when trying to allocate 1049395200 vector elements: std::bad_alloc in specspace.h:119
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

I would be very happy if somebody had some advice to this.

Best regards, Lauri Tuppi