how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps
Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 4 years ago
Dear CDO-experts,
I have a daily netcdf file of zonal winds. From this, I want to:
[1] Apply a 25-day running mean.
[2] Subtract the 25-day running mean to the original daily data.
How do I do this in CDO in such a way that the first and last 25 days after applying the 25-day running mean will be set to missing values?
The original daily should also have the same number of time steps after subtracting the 25-day running mean.
I'll appreciate any help on this.
Replies (6)
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago
hi Lyndon!
For playing around the input file would be very helpful. Can you upload it?
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 4 years ago
Hi Ralf!
Please see the attached sample file.
Many thanks.
--Lyndz (14.7 MB) |
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago
CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=last cdo -L -sub -seltimestep,25/4000 -runmean,25
Creates output without the first 24 timesteps.
cdo -L -setrtomiss,-999999,9999999 -select,timestep=1/24 start.nccreates 24 timesteps with missing values
cdo -L cat [ -setrtomiss,-999999,9999999 -select,timestep=1/24 ] [ -sub -seltimestep,25/4000 -runmean,25 ]
All done with the current release 1.9.9
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 4 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Thank you for this.
Just a follow question, the last 25 steps should be missing too right because there are not enough points.
From the one you posted, there are still values at the last 25 steps.
I'll appreciate your suggestions for this.
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago
Lyndon Mark Olaguera wrote:
Hi Ralf,
Thank you for this.
Just a follow question, the last 25 steps should be missing too right because there are not enough points.
From the one you posted, there are still values at the last 25 steps.
Let's look at the running mean field first. You can label the running mean fields in different ways: with the first or the last timestep or the middle
CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=last cdo -L -sinfov -runmean,25
CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=first cdo -L -sinfov -runmean,25
CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=middle cdo -L -sinfov -runmean,25
In any case you get 24 timesteps less because every 25 timesteps are computed into a single one. How you apply it to your input data is up to you.
if you want to ignore the first 24 and last 25 steps, you can delete/deselect them
cdo -seltimestep,1/$(($(cdo -s ntime - 25))
taking into account the result file of my former post
RE: how to subtract running means to a daily data while retaining the same number of time steps - Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 4 years ago
Awesome. This is it.
Thanks Ralf!!