ml2pl with WRF output data
Added by Gabe Bromley over 4 years ago
I am wondering how to convert WRF data from model level to pressure level data? I have attached the output of ncdump -h on one of the wrfout files. Really I am trying to get vertical sounding profiles from the model for a few locations. I saw some of the other posts but I could not figure out how to adapt this to the WRF data. Ideally the process would be to select for the variables needed for the calculation first so the file sizes are smaller so perhaps I am not selecting the correct variables?
Thanks so much,
wrf_metadata.txt (84 KB) wrf_metadata.txt |
Replies (1)
RE: ml2pl with WRF output data - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago
hi Gabe!
From what I can deduce from the ncdump the verticak coordinate seems to be time-dependant
float ZNU(Time, bottom_top) ; ZNU:FieldType = 104 ; ZNU:MemoryOrder = "Z " ; ZNU:description = "eta values on half (mass) levels" ; ZNU:units = "" ; ZNU:stagger = "" ; float ZNW(Time, bottom_top_stag) ; ZNW:FieldType = 104 ; ZNW:MemoryOrder = "Z " ; ZNW:description = "eta values on full (w) levels" ; ZNW:units = "" ; ZNW:stagger = "Z" ; float ZS(Time, soil_layers_stag) ; ZS:FieldType = 104 ; ZS:MemoryOrder = "Z " ; ZS:description = "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS" ; ZS:units = "m" ; ZS:stagger = "Z" ; float DZS(Time, soil_layers_stag) ; DZS:FieldType = 104 ; DZS:MemoryOrder = "Z " ; DZS:description = "THICKNESSES OF SOIL LAYERS" ; DZS:units = "m" ; DZS:stagger = "Z" ;
CDO is not able to work with that AFAIK. you better ask WRF developers I think