Find Hourly mean across year
Added by George Horner over 4 years ago
Hi there,
I am trying to find the hourly mean cloud fraction (so eg the mean cloud fraction at 6:30pm utc) across a years worth of netCDF data.
The time data in the netCDF file is in the units “hours since 2019-01-01 01:30:00 UTC” with values ‘data=[ 0, 3, 6, ..., 9495, 9498, 9501]’
I have tried using some CDO functions but assume not working due to the slightly strange time format of the file?
Thanks a lot
Replies (1)
RE: Find Hourly mean across year - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago
Hi George,
it is always difficult to help without the data files.
The time looks good because the values are the relative time to the reference attribute.
Your data is 3-hourly data at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, ...
You can have a look at the timesteps with
cdo showtimestamp infile
If you want to have the time half hourly than you have to interpolate the time with the intntime operator.