How to create a .grd file extension?
Added by Kyle Lesinger over 4 years ago
I am attempting to use the rempadis operator but I cannot create a .grd file. I have the data in a text file and I thought that it was as simple as just saving the file to a .grd file and then it would convert it. But currently when I save it as a .grd file it stays as a text file.
Does anyone have any advice?
Replies (2)
RE: How to create a .grd file extension? - Added by Kyle Lesinger over 4 years ago
Actually I figured it out. Here are the steps for manually changing a .grd file.
1. Open file, save as .grd file.
a. cdo griddes > yourfilename.grd
2. Manually edit the following for your resolution. First type: vi yourfilename.grd
a. Change gridsize
b. Xsize
c. Ysize
d. Xinc
e. Yinc
3. Press escape, then type :w to save. Then type :q to close it
4. Then type cdo remapbil
5. Then enter your new .grd file
RE: How to create a .grd file extension? - Added by Kyle Lesinger over 4 years ago
Kyle Lesinger wrote:
Actually I figured it out. Here are the steps for manually changing a .grd file.
1. Open file, save as .grd file.
a. cdo griddes > yourfilename.grd
2. Manually edit the following for your resolution. First type: vi yourfilename.grd
a. Change gridsize
b. Xsize
c. Ysize
d. Xinc
e. Yinc
3. Press escape, then type :w to save. Then type :q to close it
4. Then type cdo remapdis
5. Then enter your new .grd file