What is wrong with remapnn ?
Added by Natalia Camara over 4 years ago
Dear CDO users,
I intend to extract temperature values of points (lat/long) from netCDF files . The input file hourPortC.nc is limited by lon [-9.52 -6.22] and by lat [42.12 36.92].
Something wrong is happened :
when I use lon/lat without decimals
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,"lon=-9.0_lat=39.0" hourPort.nc > output.csv
I am getting correct output like this:
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,"lon=-9.43_lat=39.38" hourPort.nc > output.csv
cdo give me wrong output :
I intend to extract temperature values of points (lat/long) from netCDF files . The input file hourPortC.nc is limited by lon [-9.52 -6.22] and by lat [42.12 36.92].
Something wrong is happened :
when I use lon/lat without decimals
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,"lon=-9.0_lat=39.0" hourPort.nc > output.csv
I am getting correct output like this:
- date lon lat value
2017-01-01 -9 39 278.442
2017-01-01 -9 39 277.92
2017-01-01 -9 39 277.395
2017-01-01 -9 39 276.99
2017-01-01 -9 39 276.654
2017-01-01 -9 39 276.29
2017-01-01 -9 39 275.985
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,"lon=-9.43_lat=39.38" hourPort.nc > output.csv
cdo give me wrong output :
- date lon lat value
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
2017-01-01 -9.43 39.38 -32767
What can be wrong?
Many thanks.
hourPort.nc (30.1 MB) hourPort.nc |
Replies (1)
RE: What is wrong with remapnn ? - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 4 years ago
This looks like a cdo bug to me. Operator remapnn
should extrapolate by default.
The following is a work around, but it is slow:
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,"lon=-9.43_lat=39.38" -setmisstonn hourPort.nc > output.csv