


setlatlonbox error with goes16 netcdf files » griddes_goes16_data.txt

cdo griddes ifile - Rodrigo Sousa, 2020-05-04 17:39

# gridID 1
gridtype = projection
gridsize = 29419776
xsize = 5424
ysize = 5424
xname = ni
xlongname = "x coordinate of projection"
xunits = "radians"
yname = nj
ylongname = "y coordinate of projection"
yunits = "radians"
xfirst = -0.151844
xinc = 5.6e-05
yfirst = 0.151844
yinc = -5.6e-05
scanningMode = 64
grid_mapping = geostationary
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
semi_major_axis = 6378137.
semi_minor_axis = 6356752.314245
inverse_flattening = 298.257223563
latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
longitude_of_projection_origin = -75.
false_easting = 0.
false_northing = 0.
horizontal_datum_name = "WGS_1984"
reference_ellipsoid_name = "WGS 84"
prime_meridian_name = "Greenwich"
geographic_crs_name = "WGS 84"
sweep_angle_axis = "x"
perspective_point_height = 35786023.