


RE: Unsupported generic grid »

Miles Sowden, 2018-10-05 18:08

This file is part of CDO. CDO is a collection of Operators to
manipulate and analyse Climate model Data.

Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Uwe Schulzweida, <uwe.schulzweida AT>
See COPYING file for copying and redistribution conditions.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

This module contains the following operators:

Smoothstat smooth9 running 9-point-average

#include <cdi.h>

#include "cdo_int.h"
#include "cdo_wtime.h"
#include "pstream_int.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "constants.h" // planet radius
#include "pmlist.h"
#include "cdoOptions.h"

#include "grid_point_search.h"


static const char *Form[] = { "linear" };

struct smoothpoint_t
size_t maxpoints;
int form;
double radius;
double weight0;
double weightR;

static void
smooth(int gridID, double missval, const double *restrict array1, double *restrict array2, size_t *nmiss, smoothpoint_t spoint)
int gridID0 = gridID;
size_t gridsize = gridInqSize(gridID);
size_t numNeighbors = spoint.maxpoints;
if (numNeighbors > gridsize) numNeighbors = gridsize;

std::vector<uint8_t> vmask(gridsize);
uint8_t *mask =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < gridsize; ++i) mask[i] = !DBL_IS_EQUAL(array1[i], missval);

std::vector<double> xvals(gridsize);
std::vector<double> yvals(gridsize);

if (gridInqType(gridID) == GRID_GME) gridID = gridToUnstructured(gridID, 0);

if (gridInqType(gridID) != GRID_UNSTRUCTURED && gridInqType(gridID) != GRID_CURVILINEAR) gridID = gridToCurvilinear(gridID, 0);

gridInqXvals(gridID, &xvals[0]);
gridInqYvals(gridID, &yvals[0]);

/* Convert lat/lon units if required */
char units[CDI_MAX_NAME];
gridInqXunits(gridID, units);
grid_to_radian(units, gridsize, &xvals[0], "grid center lon");
gridInqYunits(gridID, units);
grid_to_radian(units, gridsize, &yvals[0], "grid center lat");

std::vector<knnWeightsType> knnWeights;
for (int i = 0; i < Threading::ompNumThreads; ++i) knnWeights.push_back(knnWeightsType(numNeighbors));

double start = cdoVerbose ? cdo_get_wtime() : 0;

bool xIsCyclic = false;
size_t dims[2] = { gridsize, 0 };
GridPointSearch *gps = gridPointSearchCreate(xIsCyclic, dims, gridsize, &xvals[0], &yvals[0]);

gps->searchRadius = spoint.radius;

if (cdoVerbose) cdoPrint("Point search created: %.2f seconds", cdo_get_wtime() - start);

if (cdoVerbose) progressInit();

start = cdoVerbose ? cdo_get_wtime() : 0;

size_t naddsMax = 0;
size_t nmissx = 0;
double findex = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) reduction(+ : nmissx) reduction(max : naddsMax) shared( \
findex, cdoVerbose, knnWeights, spoint, mask, array1, array2, xvals, yvals, gps, gridsize, missval)
for (size_t i = 0; i < gridsize; ++i)
int ompthID = cdo_omp_get_thread_num();

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp atomic
if (cdoVerbose && cdo_omp_get_thread_num() == 0) progressStatus(0, 1, findex / gridsize);

gridSearchPoint(gps, xvals[i], yvals[i], knnWeights[ompthID]);

// Compute weights based on inverse distance if mask is false, eliminate those points
size_t nadds = knnWeights[ompthID].computeWeights(mask, spoint.radius, spoint.weight0, spoint.weightR);
if (nadds > naddsMax) naddsMax = nadds;
if (nadds)
array2[i] = knnWeights[ompthID].arrayWeightsSum(array1);
array2[i] = missval;

*nmiss = nmissx;

progressStatus(0, 1, 1);

if (cdoVerbose) cdoPrint("Point search nearest: %.2f seconds", cdo_get_wtime() - start);
if (cdoVerbose) cdoPrint("Max points found: %zu\n", naddsMax);

if (gps) gridPointSearchDelete(gps);

if (gridID0 != gridID) gridDestroy(gridID);

static inline void
smooth9_sum(size_t ij, uint8_t *mask, double sfac, const double *restrict array, double *avg, double *divavg)
if (mask[ij])
*avg += sfac * array[ij];
*divavg += sfac;

static void
smooth9(int gridID, double missval, const double *restrict array1, double *restrict array2, size_t *nmiss)
size_t gridsize = gridInqSize(gridID);
size_t nlon = gridInqXsize(gridID);
size_t nlat = gridInqYsize(gridID);
int grid_is_cyclic = gridIsCircular(gridID);

std::vector<uint8_t> vmask(gridsize);
uint8_t *mask =;

for (size_t i = 0; i < gridsize; ++i) mask[i] = !DBL_IS_EQUAL(missval, array1[i]);

*nmiss = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nlat; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < nlon; j++)
double avg = 0;
double divavg = 0;

if ((i == 0) || (j == 0) || (i == (nlat - 1)) || (j == (nlon - 1)))
size_t ij = j + nlon * i;
if (mask[ij])
avg += array1[ij];
divavg += 1;
/* upper left corner */
if ((i != 0) && (j != 0))
smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j - 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if (i != 0 && grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum((i - 1) * nlon + j - 1 + nlon, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* upper cell */
if (i != 0) smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* upper right corner */
if ((i != 0) && (j != (nlon - 1)))
smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if ((i != 0) && grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum((i - 1) * nlon + j + 1 - nlon, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* left cell */
if (j != 0)
smooth9_sum(((i) *nlon) + j - 1, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if (grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum(i * nlon - 1 + nlon, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* right cell */
if (j != (nlon - 1))
smooth9_sum((i * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if (grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum(i * nlon + j + 1 - nlon, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* lower left corner */
if (mask[ij] && ((i != (nlat - 1)) && (j != 0)))
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon + j - 1), mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if ((i != (nlat - 1)) && grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum((i + 1) * nlon - 1 + nlon, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* lower cell */
if (i != (nlat - 1)) smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon) + j, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);

/* lower right corner */
if ((i != (nlat - 1)) && (j != (nlon - 1)))
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if ((i != (nlat - 1)) && grid_is_cyclic)
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon) + j + 1 - nlon, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
else if (mask[j + nlon * i])
avg += array1[j + nlon * i];
divavg += 1;

smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j - 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i - 1) * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i) *nlon) + j - 1, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum((i * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon + j - 1), mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon) + j, mask, 0.5, array1, &avg, &divavg);
smooth9_sum(((i + 1) * nlon) + j + 1, mask, 0.3, array1, &avg, &divavg);

if (fabs(divavg) > 0)
array2[i * nlon + j] = avg / divavg;
array2[i * nlon + j] = missval;

radius_str_to_deg(const char *string)
char *endptr = NULL;
double radius = strtod(string, &endptr);

if (*endptr != 0)
if (strncmp(endptr, "km", 2) == 0)
radius = 360 * ((radius * 1000) / (2 * PlanetRadius * M_PI));
else if (strncmp(endptr, "m", 1) == 0)
radius = 360 * ((radius) / (2 * PlanetRadius * M_PI));
else if (strncmp(endptr, "deg", 3) == 0)
else if (strncmp(endptr, "rad", 3) == 0)
radius *= RAD2DEG;
cdoAbort("Float parameter >%s< contains invalid character at position %d!", string, (int) (endptr - string + 1));

if (radius > 180.) radius = 180.;

return radius;

static int
convert_form(const char *formstr)
int form = FORM_LINEAR;

if (strcmp(formstr, "linear") == 0)
cdoAbort("form=%s unsupported!", formstr);

return form;

static void
smoothGetParameter(int *xnsmooth, smoothpoint_t *spoint)
int pargc = operatorArgc();
if (pargc)
char **pargv = operatorArgv();

list_t *kvlist = list_new(sizeof(keyValues_t *), free_keyval, "SMOOTH");
if (kvlist_parse_cmdline(kvlist, pargc, pargv) != 0) cdoAbort("Parse error!");
if (cdoVerbose) kvlist_print(kvlist);

for (listNode_t *kvnode = kvlist->head; kvnode; kvnode = kvnode->next)
keyValues_t *kv = *(keyValues_t **) kvnode->data;
const char *key = kv->key;
if (kv->nvalues > 1) cdoAbort("Too many values for parameter key >%s<!", key);
if (kv->nvalues < 1) cdoAbort("Missing value for parameter key >%s<!", key);
const char *value = kv->values[0];

// clang-format off
if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "nsmooth")) *xnsmooth = parameter2int(value);
else if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "maxpoints")) spoint->maxpoints = parameter2sizet(value);
else if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "weight0")) spoint->weight0 = parameter2double(value);
else if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "weightR")) spoint->weightR = parameter2double(value);
else if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "radius")) spoint->radius = radius_str_to_deg(value);
else if (STR_IS_EQ(key, "form")) spoint->form = convert_form(value);
else cdoAbort("Invalid parameter key >%s<!", key);
// clang-format on


void *
Smooth(void *process)
int nrecs;
int xnsmooth = 1;
smoothpoint_t spoint;
spoint.maxpoints = SIZE_MAX;
spoint.radius = 1;
spoint.form = FORM_LINEAR;
spoint.weight0 = 0.25;
spoint.weightR = 0.25;


// clang-format off
int SMOOTH = cdoOperatorAdd("smooth", 0, 0, NULL);
int SMOOTH9 = cdoOperatorAdd("smooth9", 0, 0, NULL);
// clang-format on

int operatorID = cdoOperatorID();

if (operatorID == SMOOTH) smoothGetParameter(&xnsmooth, &spoint);

if (spoint.radius < 0 || spoint.radius > 180) cdoAbort("%s=%g out of bounds (0-180 deg)!", "radius", spoint.radius);

int streamID1 = cdoStreamOpenRead(cdoStreamName(0));

int vlistID1 = cdoStreamInqVlist(streamID1);
int vlistID2 = vlistDuplicate(vlistID1);

int taxisID1 = vlistInqTaxis(vlistID1);
int taxisID2 = taxisDuplicate(taxisID1);
vlistDefTaxis(vlistID2, taxisID2);

int nvars = vlistNvars(vlistID1);
std::vector<bool> varIDs(nvars);

for (int varID = 0; varID < nvars; ++varID)
int gridID = vlistInqVarGrid(vlistID1, varID);
int gridtype = gridInqType(gridID);
if (gridtype == GRID_GAUSSIAN || gridtype == GRID_LONLAT || gridtype == GRID_CURVILINEAR || gridtype == GRID_GENERIC )
varIDs[varID] = true;
else if (gridtype == GRID_UNSTRUCTURED && operatorID == SMOOTH)
varIDs[varID] = true;
char varname[CDI_MAX_NAME];
vlistInqVarName(vlistID1, varID, varname);
varIDs[varID] = true;
cdoWarning("Unsupported grid for variable %s", varname, "grid type is ",gridtype );

size_t gridsizemax = vlistGridsizeMax(vlistID1);
if (gridsizemax < spoint.maxpoints) spoint.maxpoints = gridsizemax;
if (cdoVerbose)
cdoPrint("nsmooth = %d, maxpoints = %zu, radius = %gdeg, form = %s, weight0 = %g, weightR = %g", xnsmooth, spoint.maxpoints,
spoint.radius, Form[spoint.form], spoint.weight0, spoint.weightR);

spoint.radius *= DEG2RAD;

std::vector<double> array1(gridsizemax);
std::vector<double> array2(gridsizemax);

int streamID2 = cdoStreamOpenWrite(cdoStreamName(1), cdoFiletype());
pstreamDefVlist(streamID2, vlistID2);

int tsID = 0;
while ((nrecs = cdoStreamInqTimestep(streamID1, tsID)))
taxisCopyTimestep(taxisID2, taxisID1);
pstreamDefTimestep(streamID2, tsID);

for (int recID = 0; recID < nrecs; recID++)
int varID, levelID;
size_t nmiss;

pstreamInqRecord(streamID1, &varID, &levelID);
pstreamReadRecord(streamID1,, &nmiss);

if (varIDs[varID])
double missval = vlistInqVarMissval(vlistID1, varID);
int gridID = vlistInqVarGrid(vlistID1, varID);

for (int i = 0; i < xnsmooth; ++i)
if (operatorID == SMOOTH)
smooth(gridID, missval,,, &nmiss, spoint);
else if (operatorID == SMOOTH9)
smooth9(gridID, missval,,, &nmiss);


pstreamDefRecord(streamID2, varID, levelID);
pstreamWriteRecord(streamID2,, nmiss);
pstreamDefRecord(streamID2, varID, levelID);
pstreamWriteRecord(streamID2,, nmiss);




return 0;