netcdf Wind_WFD_197001 { dimensions: x = 720 ; y = 360 ; land = 67420 ; tstep = UNLIMITED ; // (124 currently) variables: float nav_lon(y, x) ; nav_lon:units = "pixel centre degrees east" ; nav_lon:valid_min = -180.f ; nav_lon:valid_max = 180.f ; nav_lon:long_name = "degrees_east" ; float nav_lat(y, x) ; nav_lat:units = "pixel centre degrees north" ; nav_lat:valid_min = -90.f ; nav_lat:valid_max = 90.f ; nav_lat:long_name = "degrees_north" ; float land(land) ; land:compress = "y x" ; land:note2 = "land mask in file:" ; float time(tstep) ; time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; time:title = "Time" ; time:long_name = "Time axis" ; time:time_origin = " 1970-JAN-01 00:00:00" ; float timestp(tstep) ; timestp:units = "timesteps since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; timestp:title = "Time steps" ; timestp:long_name = "Time step axis" ; timestp:time_origin = " 1970-JAN-01 00:00:00" ; timestp:tstep_sec = 21600.f ; float Wind(tstep, land) ; Wind:axis = "TYX" ; Wind:units = "m s-1" ; Wind:title = "Wind" ; Wind:long_name = "Near surface wind speed at 10m" ; Wind:associate = "time (nav_lat nav_lon)" ; // global attributes: :title = "WATCH Forcing Data" ; :comment = "half-degree, 6-hourly data, land points only" ; :note1 = "Based on the ERA40 product with CRU2.1 land-sea mask" ; :note2 = "Consult file for land mask & elevation" ; :info1 = "ERA40:" ; :info2 = "CRU2.1:" ; :project = "WATCH (EU-FP6 Programme) " ; :institution = "Hadley Centre, Met Office, JCHMR, Wallingford, UK" ; :history = "created August 2008" ; :contact = "" ; }