!Southern Africa &dimparam iy = 85, jx = 115, kz = 18, nsg = 1, / &geoparam iproj = 'NORMER', ds = 60.0, ptop = 5.0, clat = -24, clon = 35, plat = 45.39, plon = 13.48, truelatl = 30.0, truelath = 60.0, i_band = 0, / &terrainparam domname = 'Southern_Africa', lakedpth = .false., fudge_lnd = .false., fudge_lnd_s = .false., fudge_tex = .false., fudge_tex_s = .false., dirter = 'input', inpter = '/home/regcm/RegCM-4.6.1/data', / &debugparam debug_level = 1, dbgfrq = 3, / &boundaryparam nspgx = 12, nspgd = 12, / &globdatparam ibdyfrq = 6, ssttyp = 'OI_WK', dattyp = 'EIN75', gdate1 = 2015070100, gdate2 = 2016063000 dirglob = 'input', inpglob = '/home/regcm/RegCM-4.6.1/data', / &globwindow lat0 = 0.0 lat1 = 0.0 lon0 = 0.0 lon1 = 0.0 / &restartparam ifrest = .false. , mdate0 = 2015070100, mdate1 = 2015070100, mdate2 = 2016060100, / &timeparam dtrad = 30., dtabem = 18., dtsrf = 600., dt = 120., / &outparam ifsave = .true. , savfrq = 0., ifatm = .true. , atmfrq = 6., ifrad = .true. , radfrq = 6., ifsrf = .true. , ifsub = .true. , srffrq = 3., ifchem = .false., chemfrq = 6., dirout = 'output/', / &physicsparam iboudy = 5, ibltyp = 1, icup_lnd = 2, icup_ocn = 2, ipptls = 1, iocnflx = 2, ipgf = 0, iemiss = 0, lakemod = 0, ichem = 0, scenario = 'A1B', idcsst = 0, iseaice = 0, idesseas = 0, iconvlwp = 0, / &subexparam qck1land = .250E-03, qck1oce = .250E-03, cevaplnd = .100E-02, caccrlnd = 3.000, cftotmax = 0.75, / &grellparam igcc = 2, ! Cumulus closure scheme ! 1 => Arakawa & Schubert (1974) ! 2 => Fritsch & Chappell (1980) gcr0 = 0.0020, ! Conversion rate from cloud to rain edtmin = 0.20, ! Minimum Precipitation Efficiency land edtmin_ocn = 0.20, ! Minimum Precipitation Efficiency ocean edtmax = 0.80, ! Maximum Precipitation Efficiency land edtmax_ocn = 0.80, ! Maximum Precipitation Efficiency ocean edtmino = 0.20, ! Minimum Tendency Efficiency (o var) land edtmino_ocn = 0.20, ! Minimum Tendency Efficiency (o var) ocean edtmaxo = 0.80, ! Maximum Tendency Efficiency (o var) land edtmaxo_ocn = 0.80, ! Maximum Tendency Efficiency (o var) ocean edtminx = 0.20, ! Minimum Tendency Efficiency (x var) land edtminx_ocn = 0.20, ! Minimum Tendency Efficiency (x var) ocean edtmaxx = 0.80, ! Maximum Tendency Efficiency (x var) land edtmaxx_ocn = 0.80, ! Maximum Tendency Efficiency (x var) ocean shrmin = 0.30, ! Minimum Shear effect on precip eff. land shrmin_ocn = 0.30, ! Minimum Shear effect on precip eff. ocean shrmax = 0.90, ! Maximum Shear effect on precip eff. land shrmax_ocn = 0.90, ! Maximum Shear effect on precip eff. ocean pbcmax = 50.0, ! Max depth (mb) of stable layer b/twn LCL & LFC mincld = 150.0, ! Min cloud depth (mb). htmin = -250.0, ! Min convective heating htmax = 500.0, ! Max convective heating skbmax = 0.4, ! Max cloud base height in sigma dtauc = 30.0D0 ! Fritsch & Chappell (1980) ABE Removal Timescale (min) / &holtslagparam / &clm_inparm fpftcon = 'pft-physiology.c130503.nc', fsnowoptics = 'snicar_optics_5bnd_c090915.nc', fsnowaging = 'snicar_drdt_bst_fit_60_c070416.nc', / &clm_soilhydrology_inparm / &clm_hydrology1_inparm /